Friday 2 January 2015

Life is strange and so Love :)

Everyone use different dictionary for different language. What about dictionary of Love !!!!  YES LOVE DICTIONARY !!!! Love might be the first language our ancestors would have been discovered. Has anyone ever thought of making dictionary of love????? 

When we say Love, first thing comes to our mind is relation whether it is between girlfriend/boyfriend, husband/wife, parent/child, siblings or so on.... But love is not dependent on relation it is a pure relation of two souls. Love does not have limits of relationship, gender, age or time. When two souls feel a untying relation and attract each other like magnet, that energy called love.

As other languages has noun, pronoun, verb and adjective same as love has action, reaction, expression and impression. 
  • Hugging, kissing and act of affections are the actions of love which are bound to be happen :) 
  • If you get same actions back so its a reaction. 
  • When people try to hide or show their feeling of love that is expression. 
  • If you are dying to make a positive effect on someone that is impression :)

It's so strange that Love is a global language but still people has their personalized dictionary for love. Still you are most welcome on my dictionary of love. My Debut blog "mydictionaryoflove".

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